Possible memory leak? (was: update on fast mult benchmark (fwd))

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sat Mar 23 14:40:51 CET 2002


I have tried to run Richard Fateman's multiplication benchmark also with
GiNaC (1.0.2,1.0.6) but unsuccefully because expand() method starts to eat
large amounts of memory so that I had to kill the process. 

Could this indicate a possible memory leak in GiNaC? Any other ideas? Here
is my test program:

#include <ginac/ginac.h>
using namespace GiNaC;
int main()
  symbol x("x"), y("y"), z("z");
  ex r = (ex(power(1 + x + y + z, 20 ))).expand();
  ex r1 = r+1;
  ex m = (r*r1).expand();
  return 0;


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:01:01 -0800
From: Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu>
Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
Subject: update on fast mult benchmark

I've added some more programs.  It looks like this now.

  MockMMA               5.8 seconds (including 2.1 in GC)
  Macsyma (in ACL 6.1)  6.9 seconds (including 2.0 in GC)
  Hashing               8.6 seconds (including 2.2 in GC)
  Fermat                9.2 seconds
  Macsyma (maxima5.5)  32.0 seconds (? GC not reported, second trial)
  Macsyma (commercial) 37.5 seconds (including 29.78 in GC)
  Macsyma (maxima5.5)  53.5 seconds (? GC not reported, first trial)
  Maple7               50.0 seconds (? GC, it was slower on 2nd trial)
  Mathematica 4.1      82.3 seconds (? it was slower on 2nd trial)
  MuPad 1.4.2 Pro     118.6 seconds

for multiplying the expanded version of (1+x+y+z)^20 by itself.

details on http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/fastmult.pdf

comments invited.


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