[GiNaC-devel] Patch for products of dummy summations

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at ginac.de
Sat Nov 12 00:58:32 CET 2005


On 2005-05-13, you wrote:

>		Here is the patch which was described in my previous message
>  (Fri May 13 17:27:25 CEST 2005). 
Several days ago, Christian found out that the speed of computation of 
our symbolic determinants seems to have deteriorated recently.  Indeed, 
times like Lewis-Wester O1 have dropped by about 50%.  I'm pretty sure 
this happend with your patch. In particular, the two calls to 
rename_dummy_indices_uniquely from within mul::expand appear to be quite 

By defining GINAC_COMPARE_STATISTICS in basic.h I found that it 
increases the number of calls to ex::is_equal by about an order of 

Is there a way to speed this up again?


Richard B. Kreckel

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