[GiNaC-devel] Patch for products of dummy summations

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at ginac.de
Wed Nov 16 22:42:59 CET 2005

Vladimir Kisil wrote:

>    RK> Is there a way to speed this up again?
>     I propose a patch which restore much of the previous speed and 
> still passing through all standard checks. I also correct some errors 
> in exam_clifford.cpp.

Was that patch for the 1.3 branch or for HEAD?  In any case: When I try 
applying it to any of the two, some hunks fail.  Could you please make 
sure your working tree is up-to-date and maybe add some lines of context 
to your patch, e.g. with diff -u?


Richard B. Kreckel

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