SolverQ 2.0

Eddy McHam e_mcham at
Wed Dec 5 18:19:23 CET 2001


Just small link to the freetool that have some some part of symbolic 
comptuation: SolverQ 2.0.

SolverQ is a program that solves equations. Equations are entered in natural 
form as text. It performs
limited symbolic computation and presents graphic display of results.  
Together with installation comes about 40 lessons. As you move through these 
lessons you will learn some of the power of SolverQ.
SolverQ represents a philosophy in which we feel the clarity of a problem 
formulation is paramount, and that solution details should be largely 
transparent to a user.
SolverQ supports: solving nonlinear equations, repetitive solutions, graph 
plotting and exporting to EMF, complex and transcendental complex functions, 
symbolic simplification, symbolic differentiation, symbolic elimination, 
symbolic substitution, symbolic linearization (numeric), symbolic 
linearization (analytic), IF Statements,
unconstrained and constrained optimization, regression, FFT's, differential 
equations, definite integral equations.

Application is available as FREEWARE for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and can be 
downloaded from:


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