[GiNaC-devel] Polynomial arithmetics (Was: please pull from ...)

bernard.parisse bernard.parisse at wanadoo.fr
Mon Sep 22 19:34:22 CEST 2008

>The plan is to replace PRS algorithm with something reasonable, i.e. with
>extended Zassenhaus algorithm for multivariate polynomails (I'm working on
>it now) and modular gcd algorithm for univariate ones.
>Also I'd like to implement more efficient representation of polynomails
>and rational functions.
Did you consider the option of writing GiNaC::ex to giac::gen converters 
and use giac factorization and gcd code instead? I guess it would save 
you a lot of time and headaches (I have worked and extensive amount of 
time on these functions, I know what I'm speaking of) without much loss 
of performance since the initial and final conversions do not take much 
time with respect to these algorithms. Moreover, GiNaC would have access 
to more advanced calculus functions like integration, limits, etc.

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